
Saturday, March 20, 2010

Let It Bei

Here comes The Beatles

Like a lot of people around today, The Beatles was just another hippy-era relic that needed to be shoved and  left unkempt behind closed cupboards. Not until The Boy introduced me to their music(which is the case most of the times), I wasn't really ready to experiment. Yes I knew the usual classics (yellow sub, let it be, hey jude). But to discover and let the beatles beauty unfold is another thing. I've been hooked  ever since. I get unusually emotive, pleased and satiated after every song. The other day I picked up a copy of the recent Open magazine which has a brilliant piece on them. The Beatles was and is a release - from damning binds, from obscurity and from the rigid ism's that hound our lives. They were a manifestation of a nomadic freedom, a social and cultural revolution that left everyone gasping for more. I'm totally in love. Given the thrash that we need to gulp down as music these days, I (as do zillions of others) think they ought to be here now.

Sunday, March 14, 2010


In the long,dark, lonely corridor of an old bunglow
I found reflections
Reflections that spoke words
That I couldnt hear
The majestichills that standfacing it,
Have continued this silentrendezvous
For a hundred and fifty years.
Ans, i couldnt wait,
For that long.
Someday I'll fly up there -
Touch the masquerading clouds;
And sit on the tallest tree
Weaving mundane dreams
Of, probably, walking on the soil again!
I'll fly down to the stream there,
And also to that abandoned hut on the hill-top
Nobody will stop me
When I'll free myself from my body
I'll have a race with the birds then,
And even scare
The little kids that play there.
I'llnever be me
And i'll continue with uninterrupted glee.
I'll be free one day.
I'll belong to the hills someday.

Midnight Blues

Sanity flows out of our veins
As the moment
Sucks at our madness

Laughter rings in the air

As a baby sheds his clothes
To grow into a man

A thought lingers in the air

Old ghosts die a silent death
Newness engulfs us hard

We travel through time
And stand on the pedestral
Of the altar of our love

We fall and get up - laughing!
Slowly letting the world slip by